Breakfast Club

We offer Breakfast Club from 7.45am on site at Purley Nursery School for our Nursery Pupils.


Purley Nursery School also provides Breakfast Club to all Christ Church School children from 7.45am to all year groups.  This Breakfast Club provision is run at Christ Church School. 

After School Club

After School Club is available at Purley Nursery School for Nursery children and Christ Church children in Reception to Year 2. Christ Church children are collected by highly qualified staff at Christ Church School and brought over to Purley Nursery School to access this provision. After School Club is available until 6pm Monday to Friday. 

Both clubs are often oversubscribed therefore we recommend that if you require a place in either provision you must apply as soon as possible.


If you would like your child to access either of these clubs, you will need to complete the contract below and return it to the Purley Nursery School Office as soon as possible.


Please send completed forms to: Purley Nursery School, 58 Pampisford Road, Purley, CR8 2NE

or email them to


Once your contract is received,  your child will be added to a waiting list and you will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.


Please note: Wraparound Care provision across the Purley Partnership Federation is subject to Government Guidance in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


If you are unsure or have any questions regarding Wraparound care provision at Christ Church School, please contact the Purley Nursery School Office on 0208 660 5639 or email to speak to Julie or Louise. 

Purley Nursery School Students Wraparound Booking Form and Terms and Conditions
Sep 2024 PNS Terms and Conditions.doc
Microsoft Word Document 145.0 KB
Christchurch Students Wraparound Booking Form and Terms and Conditions
Sep 2024 Christchurch Terms and Conditio
Microsoft Word Document 135.0 KB