Equality and Inclusion

We have a very high commitment towards Equal Opportunities across the whole Centre in order to ensure the highest levels of achievement for everyone. We all support this through planning to create an enviroment full of opportunities for everyone who attends.


We are opposed to stereotyping, racial prejudice or harassment and will take firm action to prevent this at all times. We will challenge any incidents that show discrimination or prejudice.


Special Educational Needs

We strongly promote an inclusive ethos across the whole school and aim to meet the needs of all children. We identify and prioritise those children whose needs can be better supported through carefully planned specific intervention.


The advice and support of other professionals: Nursery Support Teacher (LA Inclusion Team), Speech and Language Therapist and Educational Psychologist is given on a regular, planned basis.


If you have any concerns regarding your child's learning and development, come and speak to Polly Jones - SENCO. 


For further information on our schools Inclusion Policies please see below.



Inclusion Statement .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 224.2 KB
Meeting Medical Needs policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 327.0 KB
SEND CC and PN Policy 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 354.4 KB