
We all play an important part in keeping children safe while working on or visiting the school site. If you are concerned about the wellbeing and safety of a child please report this to: 


  • Maria Reeve - Designated Safeguarding Lead or
  • Kelly Hamilton - Play scheme Designated Safeguarding Lead

We have a duty to inform parents that we are obliged to notify Social Services of any serious concerns regarding a child's well-being. Parents are informed of any action that is taken.

Safety and protection

We raise awareness with parents and carers that children should always be supervised when coming in and leaving the Centre.


Unfortunately, the School car park is not available for the use of parents or carers, who should find a safe place to drop off and pick up from school. Parking on the yellow zig-zags outside the entrance is dangerous and is not permitted.


It is the responsibility of every adult, entering or leaving the Nursery, to ensure that each gate is shut properly behind them. Our school is only secure if you help us to keep it safe. Any child who appears to be unaccompanied must be returned to the Nursery where staff can re-unite them with their parent or carer.


All gates have been fitted with high handles. Children should NOT be encouraged to climb the fences in order to open them.